And the winner is...

We are pleased to introduce our 2018 Cider and Spirits competition winners!

2018 New York Distilled Spirits Competition

Gold Medal: 5-Year Applejack


2018 New York International Spirits Competition

Brandy Distillery of the Year: Apple Country Spirits

Silver Medal: 5-Year Applejack

Silver Media: Tree Vodka

2018 New York Wine Classic

Silver Medal: 2016 Barrel-Aged Legend

Bronze Medal: Rootstock Dry

Bronze Medal: 2017 Rosé

2018 Great Lakes International Cider and Perry Competition (GLINTCAP)

Silver Medal: 2017 Dabinett Cuveé

Silver Medal: 2016 Barrel-Aged Legend

Silver Medal: Rootstock Plum


News and Updates from Rootstock Cider and Spirits


Recipe: Smoke and Autumn